Restricted Hours Noise Monitoring Results -- Evening time           
Station M6a, Aegean Terrace                  
Date Start Time End Time  Weather Noise level (dB(A)), 5 min Major Construction Noise Source(s) Observed Other Noise Source(s) Observed Remarks Temp. (°C) Wind Speed (m/s) Noise Meter Model / ID Calibrator Model / ID
Leq L10 L90
03-Jan-12 22:45 23:00 Fine 49 50 48 No major constructin works Local traffics of Aegean Terence and helicopter fly over head According to contractor, general construction works was in process accordance to CNP.
Free-field measurement, +3dB correction.
14.0 <5 B&K 2238            S/N : 2684502 B&K 4231  S/N: 2385180
19-Jan-12 22:45 23:00 Fine 59 60 56 No major constructin works Local traffics of Aegean Terence According to contractor, general construction works was in process accordance to CNP.
Free-field measurement, +3dB correction.
14.0 <5 B&K 2238            S/N : 2684502 B&K 4231  S/N: 2656516
      Min. 49                
      Max. 59